Whenever we stay at a hotel, H likes to find the little note pad and the pen, and practice her letters, makes for fun little keepsakes...
Camping at Wilderness State Park in the northern lower peninsula, MI.
Lot #112, lakeside.
Slip 'n slide, backyard, H is still a little light for this...
Petoskey stone collected up north in the Petoskey area, I had forgotten how amazing the beaches in MI are, clear water, shallow out for a while which is great for kids, some nice white sandy areas, and if you are a rock hunter there are almost more rocks WITH fossils than without in some areas. I've never seen this anywhere else, and have yet to find an east coast beach that is quite as nice (or clean).
I've also been sifting, organizing, passing things on. If it isn't being used it becomes clutter, so for those things that I can't bear to give up I'm searching for new purposes. These clothes, most of which were worn by my children, are slated for a quilt project to be made by a gifted quilter in the family. Something to keep us warm and be used on a regular basis rather than hidden away in a dark closet.
H in Mommy's first tie dye shirt from college, I see more mommy clothes dress up coming... :)
Enjoying local waterparks...
H has been loving the pool lately, we are doing a few swim lessons and the extra hot weather helps to inspire us to go for swims more regularly.
H and Daddy watch the water pour down over the kids below at Atlantis...
The second fridge and freezer full of food lost in 4 months, this time due to the widespread power outages in our area recently due to the wild storms that made me want to run to the cellar...
Enjoying lots of great cultural library events lately too, H is always one of the first to raise her hand to stand up in front of a crowd and perform, I am often impressed by her bravery even though I can't fully understand it. :)
Not a great picture, but this was the 4th of July last week, a combination of staying up past our bedtime and the ice cream she had eaten led to this frantic smile... :)