Saturday, March 31, 2012


Spring is a busy time for all, I've clearly waited too long to update here as I barely remember when some of these were taken, but here are some of the highlights...

 Dress up, various dates, on the fly shots, varied image quality...
03.05, Only at our house would medical equipment be included in dress up play...
 Who was that masked man?
03.23, Princesses can help fix cars too...
03.08, Mount Vernon, silly girl...

 Cotton seeds and classic farm games...

 Serenade and more dress up, in garb of Martha W's day...
03.13, Frying Pan Park...
03.15, Papoose...

 3.17, St. Patty's day at Great Falls...
03.18, Enjoying the cherry blossoms...
03.19, Shopping with the right size cart...

03.19, In Daddy's shirt again, walking to the library, stopping to smell the flowers...

 03.24, Rainy day walk...
 Worm friend...

03.31, Easter bunny, and his helper friend...  :)  First Easter egg hunt, a little disappointing but plan to make up for it next weekend...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yard Work...

When we arrived back home last week, we were greeted with warm spring like weather and lots of new flowers, a nice change from the cold and snow up north...
The living room was in process of being painted (beige as usual), fortunately we were able to finish it off just in time over the weekend...
As the Grands stopped out to visit for the week shortly after everything was put back together...
 While they are here they are helping us out with an old partially rotten cherry tree in the yard, the one G'pa saw bowls in before...
 Pulling down trees is hard work, time for a break!
 Practicing basic climbing skills...
 Enjoying the view...
Enjoying a game of hide and seek with G'ma in between stick bundling...
A job well done, all neat and tidy.  I hope the pieces G'pa keeps turn well on the lathe and become wonderful keepsakes...