Friday, October 1, 2010


B had to go to Norfolk for work and the rest of us tagged along, hence the last minute decision to overnight in Virginia Beach since it was nearby.

On Sunday we all checked out a bit of the Nauticus Museum and saw a few of the local mermaids on the way, which H *really* enjoyed.  So much so that she woke up the next day directing that we needed to go see MORE mermaids.

While B was at work on Monday the kids and I spent most of the day chasing down many of the remaining downtown mermaids, in the pouring rain, H would not be deterred in her quest...  (This is why we don't have pics unfortunately, the rain didn't stop until we were headed out Tuesday afternoon.)

We took a little break to dry off and get some hot cocoa and lunch in the MacArthur Center Mall play area, which is one of the nicer (and larger) mall play areas we've seen.  H had a blast and made a new friend named Anya, she's really good at that.  :)  We found H's favorite mermaid there in the mall, it was wrapped in foil except for the tail which was made to look like chocolate, complete with a bite out of the tail!  H could not stop talking about the mermaid with the bite on the tail.  Then back out in the rain again for more mermaid hunting!

Luckily C is a little trooper and slept through most of it, as I tried to hold on to the umbrella in the wind to cover him and myself while H rode in the stroller.  I think there are around 17 in the downtown area (but they do move around sometimes since they are privately owned), and I believe we eventually found 13 of them.

Evenings after dinner we hit the pool and hot tub with daddy, and again everyone seemed to have a good time and the kids did great on this trip, hope this is an indication of many fun trips to come!

 The Wisconsin at the Nauticus Museum.
 A mermaid at the Nauticus Museum.
A shiny mermaid!

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