Saturday, February 26, 2011

The beginnings of empathy...

This morning C had to get a "poke", and H became quite upset.  A couple of weeks ago she also had some shots herself at the pediatrician's office, and they must have been fresh in her mind.  As she realized what was happening, syringe appearing, alcohol swabs, she pleaded with us to not poke C, because "he doesn't like it, hurts him!"  She was crying and even tried to move in our way and take the shot from us to protect him.  We explained that it does hurt him and he doesn't like it, but he does need it to feel better.  We also told her how proud we were of her to think of C and to want to protect her little brother.  It was a heart warming moment.  :)

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness...big sister. how sweet it is- she is really growing up. this is such a comforting image and memory.
