Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This morning at 10 A.M. we said goodbye to C's body in the form that we knew it, just as we had to say goodbye to his life last Friday.  We took some helium balloons to the meadow in Poplar Tree Park nearby, attached some notes and let them go at the same time.  By now it should be complete, we will pick up the remains tomorrow and they will stay with us until we feel moved by a particular method of dispersal, or more likely, they will go with us when we pass just as we tried to never leave his side in life.  Safe voyage...

 Twinkle, twinkle little star, up above the world so high!
A brief play moment at the adjacent park following...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bull Run Conservancy

We all could use more sunshine these days so today we decided to do a longer walk, and Bull Run Conservancy was the obvious choice outside of Great Falls which we just recently visited last month.  It was good to stretch our legs and we all were surprised at how well we felt afterwards despite the better part of a year spent with quite low physical activity levels.  I remember the first time B & I hiked this trail, long before H & C came along, and the first time I remember the climb up seeming to be more of a challenge.  I hope we keep doing these weekend hikes, it is great therapy to get moving and surround ourselves with beautiful sights, and quiet stretches during which we can all process our thoughts.  Next time we'll have to do a bigger one, I keep thinking about White Oak Canyon / Cedar Run again, we'll see...

 There were ripe blueberries lining the Quarry Trail, a nice touch to include snacks for the hikers! :)

A 4 foot snake, I didn't notice it until I was standing right next to it, despite noticing a tiny half inch well camouflaged brown frog, several tiny lizards in the periphery, and hawks sailing the skies.  (I don't see the rather large snake, I don't see the rather large snake...  just keep repeating this to yourself... :)
 Gorgeous views near the rock formerly known as "Elvis", though the graffiti has left the building...

H and her feather, she kept telling us that she needed to give it back to the hawk.  :)

 H pretending to be a hawk sailing, she loved watching them circle high above...
 The hawks are just barely visible in this pic, top left side...
It was a good day, overall.

Goodbye C...

The URL of this blog no longer makes sense as two of the letters no longer apply, but then again not much makes sense these days. We said good bye last Friday to one of our 4, now we are 3. C was one of the most beautiful and genuinely good individuals I've ever been graced to meet, and yet he was dealt one of the harshest hands. To us he was the piece we'd been missing to complete our own new family. To the grands he was the grandson who would carry on the family name. To many he was an inspiration, an amazingly bright smile with shining blue eyes despite great pain and injustice. We left him with this painting to which we all contributed our bit. We loved you dearly, bub.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Birthday Week Post #2

H's birthday wraps up the immediate family's birth celebrations for 2011.  She turned 3 this year, and is full of energy and ideas.  She surprises and delights most who meet her with her larger than life personality, and leaves a lasting impression long after.  She's hard to predict, nearly impossible to steer, but fun to watch and definitely a fascinating individual.  Happy birthday H.  :)

 Daddy made <3 pancakes...
 Grandma made a Starlite cake and Mommy helped to frost it...
 Blowing out the candles...
 H & C both enjoyed her birthday gift, a new play kitchen...
 Grandma made capes for the kids, all kids need capes right?
 Tea time...
A mischievous grin, C and sheep...  :)
 Grandma and C playing Pat-a-Cake...