H's birthday is not quite here yet, but we celebrated it last Friday with family and friends at home with a
Pony Party for our horse crazy girl, couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.
Grandma & Aunt C made amazing cupcakes...
Big candy horses, and mini farm animals too...
Oxygen deprived fun blowing up balloons for party prep...
The view from outside as balloons piled up...
H helps stuff the rainbow zebra pinata with candy...
Next time will make flap larger, or avoid lollipops. :)
In the end they all left with plenty of candy anyway...
H had a pony in her own yard, just as she wished.
We think she enjoyed it.
The mini petting zoo, almost a bigger draw than the pony...
Clothespin horse craft, surprisingly popular with the kids...
We never made it to Pin the Tail on the Donkey or horseshoe toss games but the kids were generally smiling which was the main goal, and H had a great day shared with good friends.
Friends helped us to provide extra seating and tables for our many guests. Family helped out a ton to pull this together. With their help we were able to offer super fun hand made cupcakes, prep the craft, clean up the neglected yard to make a safe environment for our small guests, decorate, and complete our gate. It was certainly a week of hard labor for them, but we really did appreciate it, and H had a truly amazing day. :)