Monday, November 8, 2010


While C was in the hospital I never left him unless I was physically made to (surgeries and MRIs).  This was only possible because of the kindness of friends and family who helped us through that difficult time.  Friends took turns watching H when B had to return to work, and Grandma flew in for a long weekend to help out (even cleaning the microwave, that made me smile this weekend when I noticed it despite the fatigue :) and make sure H still had a chance to enjoy her first real Trick or Treat excursion.  Here are a couple of pics from that week.  Thanks again, we really benefited greatly from knowing our daughter was in good hands while we were separated, and we appreciate all the ways we've received help from prayers and good thoughts (much needed now) to a warm meal and beyond...

At the hospital...
Big hugs to Gma....
First cotton candy at Burke Lake Park, Ghost Train ride...  (she decided she didn't care for it after the first bite...)

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